Tuesday, June 26, 2007


A good number of the people that we know are having a rough time as of late. Stuff like financial issues, problems in their relationships, poor health, or even a fancy combination of the three have been everywhere around us--Joe told me that if felt like we were standing in the eye of a huge storm. Having not entirely escaped the doom ourselves, I visualize it more like those whirlpools that used to pop up in the middle of cartoon oceans. You know, the ones that spent their time sucking down huge ships, people, etc. Right now, we are circling the outer rim of the whirlpool, but slowly, we are going to go down too. I think perhaps my spirits have already begun their swirly descent.


Anonymous said...

If so, I hope it really is like the whirlpools of the cartoons, because in the cartoons everyone you care about always some how manages to defeat the odds and survive in the end...

Colleen said...

i have been feeling the same way, Casie. I just wish I was able to fix everything for everyone. It is pretty overwhelming.